One of Us

I never in a million years envisioned myself writing my first blog post to be what it was…..What I’m about to release to the World Wide Web. As a mom in search of an outlet, a small voice, a way to revitalize my toddler drenched days of milk bottles, feedings, timeouts, diaper changes, and endless heaps of laundry. I seek a way to promote natural healing and living, and a way to share my own experiences and knowledge be it child rearing, gourmet easy meal preparation, book discussions, or decorating ideas…..and especially as a way to support other moms and women that can relate to me at all- on any level of their own existence.

Most of all, I want CHANGE. A change to commit to finding your own happiness, your own path, your own way amidst the depression and oppression coming at us from all angles- be it society, a glass ceiling under a boss or work environment, heck even in your home environment. To revel in that afterglow-which I define as those glorious moments following an experience or a sense of enlightenment where you feel utter elation and complete contentment ….sheer happiness; peaceful joy at what just happened or what you completed or just how you feel in a specific moment- in your heart- in your gut….that you feel EMPOWERED.

And at a time of great hate and separation in this nation I felt compelled to share my feelings of empowerment regarding our president Donald J Trump. Despite my own political standpoint, it is not my intention for this to be a political post. I merely want to express my own opinion of what seems so obvious to me…that DJT is one of us. Down at his core, he is one of us. He is human, he is a sinner, he is father, he is a husband, he is a friend, he is an American. The list goes on. I don’t write this to sway anyone’s thinking or to push Republican ideals. I write this from what is in my heart as a woman, as a mother as a sister, a friend, a daughter and as an American who upholds the spirit and passion of our nation and of our freedoms.
He may be a billionaire where I am a mere thousandaire…. he may own a dozen enterprises and I have only one…..he may have a butler and eat from gilded plates where I choose paper to avoid another dishwasher load. He may change laws and I change dirty diapers. But he and I- we are the same. Our values are the same…. He is a believer in the true American dream….of releasing strongholds and igniting dreams into realities. He is an entrepreneur, inspired by the success and security that good business can bring. He is an incredible parent, one who loves and supports his children, holds up their dreams and desires unconditionally. Offers them a firm foundation to stand on. He finds a route to success when others may have said there wasn’t one, or it was too difficult or not worth it. He is human and makes mistakes and yet because he is human he deserves forgiveness and grace. I personally…. am all of these things…or at least aspiring to all of them.
He is not a career politician….. has not potentially grown bitter or brainwashed by the system- swayed by whatever organizations and strings that ultimately seek control over him. He is a fresh thinker, even a miracle worker whom implements change and produces results where there were none before. This is what America needs. I don’t care if this man won emmys or starred on television or has a fashion line. I really don’t even care that he has had accusations of highly publicized sexual misconduct, be it verbal or otherwise. He is human and just like the rest of us who thankfully don’t live our lives under constant media scrutiny and exposure on a global platform-he too deserves forgiveness for whatever he did or didn’t do in decades past. After all, isn’t God the ultimate judger and final determinant of sin? Who are we to judge him lest we too be judged as the good book says.

Dare we face the facts here and entertain the idea that if this had been Barack obamas past… regards to the celebrity and fame and Success… his followers would have worshipped and praised him for it…..put him on a national pedestal
For it…..not held it against him as unfitness for the presidency. In the spirit of what it means to be an American…He is of utmost fitness and athleticism for president…. for what is our country at its core but a business of sorts that needs to be ran successfully in Order to survive. And most importantly… Not only to survive but to thrive!!!!!

America has merely been surviving these last years…. barely Getting by…..longing for a better day, dreaming of a better life, a better way to thrive. An America That implements new fresh ideas that will help the young and old alike, that will help both the poor, the middle class and the wealthy to truly thrive and grow- no matter their path; be it minimum wager to Fortune 500 CEO. Their dream is of the same origin….. To THRIVE.
Recall Thomas Jefferson…. Abraham Lincoln….Ronald Reagan and others unmentioned ….. these men weren’t career politicians….. and that wasn’t held against them! Let’s not forget that they forever changed the future of our nation. They were Freedom fighters and true forces of nature- game changers- and most of all…….business people…. aspiring entrepreneurs and free thinkers. Men who pursued their craft and their path without fail until they succeeded. They were not liars and truth evaders who made their own laws, breaking them as they saw fit to further their agendas. They created hope, inspired change, and helped birth a new nation of prosperity and independence and the power to chase our dreams. Where Lincoln freed the slaves from a life of hell, Trump will free the oppression and weight from Americans striving to further their personal version of the American dream, whether wealthy or barely scraping by. I think he truly cares about people and about people being the best version of themselves. Why is he brow beaten and slandered for speaking the truth…. speaking his mind…. when he is only saying what the majority of us are thinking anyway but perhaps don’t say out loud. You know it’s true. At least some of the time. And let’s not forget the man has a sense of humor. Again, it really seems honest to say that Obama would have been praised for half of the things Trump has said or done. Heck, Obama literally became a celebrity overnight, one of the elite clan- worshipped by other celebrities and bajillionaires overnight. And he reveled in it, soaking in the bubbles of celebrity adoration and endorsement.
The double standards of this nation have to stop. It is horrifying to the lot of us that are just regular people trying to find Their way: succeed in their craft and just bring home the most money we can at the end of the day and get the best healthcare for our families that we can. Not have the government infringe upon our freedoms, take our money when we built our business from the ground up or force us to pay higher and higher taxes to support people that refuse to work because they can make more money sitting at home claiming unemployment and social security. I personally know people who do this. We all do!!! It has to stop.

All I ask is that people think deep—-Be real. Be genuine. Put your foot down in the fight for change- for continued freedom and secure borders. Secure borders-not to keep out cultural influences or people of varying ethnicities, religions or skin colors… but to secure our borders from hate and people that wish to do us harm via drugs, terrorism or otherwise. Since our inception, we have been a nation that has had to fight for our freedom, for safety, for our morals and values and ideals to be upheld and acknowledged and not taken down by the haters and naysayers. Why not agree to accept someone who is ultimately fighting for you… someone who seeks not to slowly transform this nation into a government run, fed and suckling controlled empire of mass government and loss of industry, loss of power, further loss of our world standing. Let’s hold up our values, join hands with those around us and stop the hate. Lets….FORGIVE. And truly Love one another despite our differences. Live in the Afterglow of your own success and happiness, whatever that is to you. Be Empowered.